L'histoire de Honeybee's Origin

Nous avons commencé comme fournisseur de prestations collectives assez traditionnel. Mais au cours des deux dernières décennies, Benecaid a été en affaires, beaucoup de choses ont changé dans notre industrie et dans le monde du travail en général.

C’est pourquoi nous avons créé Honeybee.

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Nous avons dépassé notre propre régime d'avantages sociaux

Lorsque nous avons vu nos propres besoins en matière de prestations évoluer, nous savions qu’il était temps de commencer à faire les choses différemment. Nos employés étaient de plus en plus de différents âges et étapes de la vie. Ils voulaient (et attendaient) des choses différentes de leurs avantages.

Flexible & modern benefits

Honeybee offers digital benefits with unparalleled flexibility and personalized options, because that’s what today’s workers demand. One study suggests that as many as 80% of workers wanted more flexible benefits [Mercer Report, 2016]

Experience with an edge

We have a strong history in this industry. From underwriters with 30 years experience to former independent advisors, our team’s diverse expertise enables us to provide the best modern benefits, with the experience to support our solutions.


Honeybee’s Evolution

Honeybee is powered by Benecaid, a Canadian benefits provider that has worked with the country’s leading insurance companies for almost 20 years. We’ve watched the industry and its consumers change, and have adapted over time to meet those needs.

Industry expertise you can trust

We’ve leveraged all our history and industry experience to create the best digital benefits plans on the market.

Benecaid is recognized within the industry as a leading provider of benefits, a member of the Third Party Administrators’ Association of Canada (TPAAC) and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP).

Ready to get started?

Honeybee’s Allowance Accounts are the fastest, easiest way to start offering modern lifestyle benefits to your employees. Free with a demo, Allowance Accounts will reinforce your company culture and help you stand out as an employer.

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